Blokz Lens by Zenni
Blokz Lens by Zenni
I love good lighting - as long as it’s dimmable – the more the better. And I will always suggest ways to improve the lighting on any interior design project. But as much as I love good lighting I also know the side effects of LED lighting on our circadian rhythm. Of course the major effects come from backlighting on Smart Phones, Tablets, Computer Screens and TV – but it can also come from LED lighting as a whole. Since I spend so much time on the computer, writing, especially in the evening, this really throws my sleep cycle into a downward spiral. So that is why I decided to try Blokz lenses from Zenni – an online company that makes eyewear, both functional and prescription. It took a day or so to get used to wearing them, as I don’t need reading glasses, yet. But I am definitely sleeping so much better than before and I feel it’s in part to these Blokz lenses!
Blokz blue blocker is not just a film they apply to lenses lenses. The Blokz lenses are made with a special blue-light blocking polymer that is directly incorporated into the lens materials, so the blue- blocking technology won't scratch off or wear away. By absorbing blue light, this polymer prevents blue light from passing through the lens to your eye. The Blokz lenses can be made with or without a prescription.