Home Improvement Goals Can Keep You Thinking Positive!
Planning for future home improvement project may just keep you thinking positive!
As we look ahead to the next few months, we are going to be spending a lot more time inside our homes than we might normally do this time of year. During these uncertain times it’s easy to lose our focus or even begin to feel a little uneasy. I have always found the best way to combat negative feelings is to set some goals and focus on a few positive things that I do have control over.
Perhaps you’re already feeling a little claustrophobic or you are just tired of looking at the walls you meant to paint 10 years ago. Don’t let these uncertain times stop your creative juices from flowing. What better way to stay focused on something exciting and positive than planning for a redo of an element in your home interior?
If you are really feeling nervous about the future or your budget is tight, start with one of these simple projects:
Re-arrange your furniture. Why not take advantage of all those bodies in your house and change up your furniture arrangement? This is a plus for several reasons; you can finally reach all those dust bunnies lurking beneath your sofa, you should really vacuum your sofa cushions to get rid of dust and allergens anyway – not to mention the loose change you might find in the cushions (this always inspires the kiddos!)
Try a simple painting project. Brighten a room with an accent wall of color, or paint your ceiling a sky blue to keep your spirits lifted! In most areas the home improvement stores are still open. If not by you, get creative. I’m sure that one of your neighbors or friends has some leftover paint you could use! I myself have some great colors in my basement that I would love to donate! (Just remember to practice safe social distancing.)
Sort through your old photos and swap out those outdated framed pictures. Or, rearrange the art in your house to different rooms. Sometimes just a change of perspective can change your attitude for the better.
Change those light bulbs to brighter energy saving LEDs. (Yes, you can purchase these online, too!) Upgrading to LED light bulbs to brighten room will improve your mood, too!
Still need a smaller goal? I started with tackling cleaning out one drawer at a time in my kitchen and home office. Little goals can soon turn into big accomplishments.
Focusing on a specific goal can make you feel more in control in uncertain times.
Yes, it’s true that we don’t know when this season of social distancing will be over. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop planning for the future. Instead of feeling frustrated by being home-bound and staring at the interior spaces that you’ve been meaning to refresh - look seriously at planning for some positive improvements.
If you were even considering some larger home improvement projects, why not take this time to start on the real homework involved - begin investigating the possibilities!
Look for inspiration on HOUZZ and Pinterest. I suggest setting a limit to your images (30 is a good base number) and constantly review them before adding more photos. Once you start gathering ideas, you will need to review and remove any images that no longer inspire you. Once you reach this maximum number, then only add a new image if you have removed another to make room. This way your ideabooks and boards will stay manageable and focused!
Start assembling a budget. By researching all the elements you’ll need to purchase or need to replace you can do some basic number-crunching. You can be sure that many companies will be looking to bump up their sales once the crisis is over and there will be deals to be had!
Begin to research contractors and craftsmen that you might need for your project. Sure, you might not be able to meet with them face-to-face, but virtual interviews and Zoom meetings (so they can see your job site) will give them the opportunity to give quotes that they might have been too busy to do under normal circumstances.
Use Zoom to discuss a future home improvement project during social distancing.
If you are looking for more inspiration check out my tips and insights in my other blogs and in my Facebook and Instagram posts.
I am also offering FREE “Chats with Carrie” for people who want to stay on track with their home improvement projects. I’d love to hear your ideas and offer my insights on how to keep your projects moving forward.
Interested? Simply jump on over to my online design website, www.BailiwickInteriorDesign.com and click the link to schedule a time for a FREE Chat with Carrie to stay inspired.
Whether you take baby steps or sets your sights on larger goals, having a plan and a purpose will make a huge difference in this time of uncertainty. It’s a great way to stay positive and energized about the future.
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