HOW-to-DECIDE GUIDE: Making Better Home Improvement Decisions

Making interior design decisions can be hard. Photo by Tim Mossholder - Unsplash

Making interior design decisions can be hard. Photo by Tim Mossholder - Unsplash

The number one question I’m asked as an interior designer always starts the same, “How do we decide…?” Whether it’s paint color, area rugs, fabric, furniture, kitchen countertops, or bathroom tile, it all comes down to the same question – “How do we decide what to choose?” I’d like to share my four secrets to success in making these decisions.

Most people assume that making a decision is as easy as choosing their favorite and what they think looks best. But in reality, the real issue goes much deeper and requires some homework. Most people don’t like the homework part, so that’s where they get stuck.

Homework? Yes, like any test you took in school you need to understand and appreciate the underlying information in order to make an educated decision. There are way too many product options on the market to try and make your decisions based solely on good looks or gut feel.

Behind every choice you need to make in the home renovation process, there are underlying questions. Even with choosing a simple light bulb, you need to not only make sure it fits your particular fixture, but you need to be able to answer the following questions:
1. What is the color temperature (will I like the warmth or coolness of the light color?)

2. Will the lumen output be enough (how much light will I get from this single bulb and is it enough light to complete the task in the room?)

3. Do I know the CRI rating (will it make all the colored elements in my room look good?)

4. Is it compatible with the lighting control switch I already have (can I dim the light?)

5. Will it work with my smart phone app? Do I even care?

If you need to ask yourself all these questions about a $15 lightbulb purchase, you can imagine the questions involved in purchasing a sofa or renovating your kitchen!

Fear of making the wrong decision can be super stressful. Photo by on Unsplash

Fear of making the wrong decision can be super stressful. Photo by on Unsplash

People don’t like to talk about this secret. It’s our human nature to make decisions based on money and cost. Most home improvement projects cost money, sometimes it’s a major investment. And with so many new products on the market offering all these bells and whistles, thus raising the price, you need to educate yourself on the cost of each feature and the relative value it brings to you and the project as a whole. We don’t like to admit that money changes everything – but it does.

So what’s the normal person to do when you want to make some changes in your home? My advice is to not only make your decisions on what looks good, but educate yourself on the impact of that decision over the long term. When considering the benefit of a higher priced product versus something more simple and less expensive I suggest you evaluate how it relates to your final goals and how long your plan to live with that product or material!

Referencing the big picture will help make you small decisions. Photo by Pine Watt on Unsplash

Referencing the big picture will help make you small decisions. Photo by Pine Watt on Unsplash

Another aspect of decision-making that people have a hard time with is fear. Let’s face it, we are afraid to make the wrong decision. Home renovations projects can be big-ticket items, and when we are faced with the possibility of making a costly mistake we can reach an impasse. My suggestion here is to make decisions based on the “big picture.” When we analyze the impact of each decision relative to the overall project, then often choices seem much more obvious. But, of course, that means more homework, too!

There are powerful tools and resources at your disposal to make your homework so much easier. One of those tools is my new online interior design option called “HOW-TO-DECIDE GUIDE SERVICES.” As I celebrate my 20th year in business as Bailiwick Interior Design, I have accumulated a ton of knowledge and experience that I love to share with homeowners just like you. I know the big-picture thinking that is required to make the tough choices in your home improvement projects. This flexible service allows you to purchase even just a ½ hour of my time to review your options.

My role is to help my clients find the best criteria for making an educated decision. This not only comes from the product specifications but from experience understanding how a product or material is used. Together we can consider the pros and cons and help you make that educated decision that’s been holding you back.


Want to test it out? I offer a FREE ½ Hour ”CHAT with CARRIE” to answer your questions prior to jumping into my guide services.

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