The Power of Positivity

happy homes help make happy people

I’ve got a superpower – yes, little ole’ me – a simple small business owner from Bethlehem, PA.

No, I don’t have a superhero costume. In fact, some days it’s just about fitting into the same jeans I wore last week.

My superpower is the POWER OF POSITIVITY. And, if we dig deep inside, all of us can have this superpower, too!

A positive attitude affects everyone around us, not just those in our close family circle, but everyone that we have any interaction with on a day-to-day basis. As the world around us – the media – our conversations – our attitudes – get more and more stressful, we need to consciously engage in positive habits. Like any other awesome character trait, positivity needs to be cultivated, nurtured, and trained – basically you need a POWER OF POSITIVITY PLAN! Here are six ideas I find helpful in my own daily life.

being grateful leads to a positive attitude

Every day, before you even start your day, make a list of 5 things that you are grateful for – no matter how small. Having my own private bathroom and indoor plumbing are always in my top 5! (I had this epiphany after volunteering at a local homeless shelter!) Being appreciative of even the smallest blessings will help make you realize that you are lucky to be alive, able to walk, and have something to eat for breakfast! (Hey, that’s 3 right there!) 

We can never fully understand someone else’s struggles, whether it involves dealing with COVID-19 or the terrible acts of racism that occur across our country. But we can do our very best to listen with an open mind, learn from each other, accept each other and treat each other with respect.

smiling can make you happy and others around you too

Yes, there is some scary stuff going on in the world right now, but there is so much good, too! The problem is that positive events and stories are not generally covered by the major news outlets. But, if you look you can find them – news feeds like GOOD NEWS NETWORK  is a perfect example. (GNN is #1 on Google for good news.) Another great option is UPLIFT TV which features short inspirational films from around the globe. These stories are uplifting and reassuring that there are still good things being done every day, regardless of mainstream media’s focus! I subscribe to a daily email that sends me inspirational quotes about my faith. So when I scroll through my in-box each morning – it’s the first one I open to get an inspirational, positive message to start my day!

interior design happy homes

Yes, it is very tempting to binge-watch Netflix series. But I find that I feel much better when I get off the couch! Take a walk, go for a bike ride, grab some vitamin D and stay healthy! Since I am not able to go to the YMCA where I teach my Pilates class I have started a ZOOM Pilates class to keep myself and others inspired, stretched and feeling in control of their own bodies.

BE KIND, SAY “PLEASE” and “THANK YOU”, and SMILE (even if you are wearing a mask you can smile with your eyes!)
Our interactions with the world around us have certainly changed over the past few months. And the conversations we are having can be really stressful. The first thing I do when making a phone call is to make sure I give a polite greeting and ask each person how they are doing that day. A moment of kindness goes much further in mobilizing people to help you get the job done! A little courtesy sends positive energy out to everyone!

woman in colorful face mask with smiling eyes

Just because we now need to rethink the future – doesn’t mean we can’t still have dreams and goals. Most of us have been forced out of our comfort zones, and our plans for the future may have considerably changed. If you are a small business owner like myself, you may feel like you are starting from scratch, without a map, in uncharted territory. As an interior designer, I am definitely right-brained. I excel at creative thinking, but, logic and math are not my strong suits. Even so, I took this opportunity in time to train myself in what feels like a hundred new computer programs in order to get my business up and running as an online interior design website. Yes, my goals and dreams may have changed - but they still keep me staying positive and hopeful for a brighter future.

We need to lift each other up when others around us are consistently negative or can’t seem to find the positive in everyday life. We can spread positivity everywhere we go – even if it’s from home! And the best news about the power of positivity is that it’s CONTAGIOUS – in a good way!

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