Whenever I complete a kitchen renovation I give my client a gift bag complete with a NORWEX Enviro Cloth. I started using Norwex products about 3 years ago – and although I don’t use their entire product line, a few of their cleaning products have become a mainstay in my own home. I was so impressed with their ease of use that I just had to spread the word – and perhaps for selfish reasons. The selfish reason – because the Enviro Cloth uses ONLY WATER to clean even the toughest kitchen grime! So when a client asks me “how do I clean my beautiful new kitchen countertops AND cabinets?” I LOVE that I can suggest a way for them to clean – and I mean REALLY CLEAN – a product that I have sold them with something that has no harsh chemicals and is all-natural.
Here’s how it works; there are microfibers embedded into the Norwex Enviro cloth (and many of their other cloths). These are not just your typical microfibers – but heavy duty ones that capture dirt and grime AND don’t release it until you wash the cloths in the Norwex detergent. The crucial element is that you USE ONLY WATER – no other cleaning products – so that you don’t mess with the system. Yes, you need to wash the cloths in a separate load, but I also use the Norwex detergent for my lighter laundry loads, so its not a problem.
Too good to be true? I thought so too, but I can tell you that my countertops and cabinets stay clean, grease-free and best of all I am not harming the finishes with chemicals I can’t even pronounce. That’s why I give this to all my Kitchen clients! LOVE THIS!!!