The Truth About Towel Warmers
As is often the case with items that are deemed “luxury,” it comes down to the cost of the item versus the benefits. Luxury is emotional and perceived differently for each of us. So an item that I might deem an absolute necessity may not even be in someone else’s “Top 10”. Such was the case when my husband informed me that he wanted a towel warmer in our master bath.
As an interior designer who has helped my clients remodel many bathrooms in my 20-year career, I must admit that towel warmers are often tops on my clients wish list, but at the end of the day get nudged down to the bottom and even totally nixed when we get down to these basic questions:
1. Do you have enough wall space? Let’s face it most of the time bathrooms have limited wall space. Between the shower, vanity, doors and windows, we have just enough room to squeeze in the necessary towel bars, let alone a large towel warmer.
2. Can the budget handle the expense? Good ones can be expensive, certainly when they are a wall-mount and definitely if they are a drawer-style.
3. Are you prepared to deal with the electrical requirements? Each model has its own electrical needs. Certainly, a direct wire is the most attractive but should be dealt with during the remodel phase, not as an afterthought. Ideally, they should be installed on a timer so that the towel is warm and ready when you are!
4. Are your expectations too high? Is this expensive, wall-hog, going to have that “warm” towel ready for you at a moment’s notice? The answer is probably not.
So you might be asking yourself whether or not my husband got his towel warmer? Well, the answer is yes. Did I want the towel warmer? Honestly, no. The fact of the matter is that we had already completed our renovations by the time my husband brought up the subject. I had a lovely full-length mirror hanging in the spot he deemed available. (He also took the outlet that I was saving for my lighted make-up mirror. Claiming I am beautiful without make-up, LOL.)
My own Amba Towel Warmer
However, in our case, the towel warmer did serve another purpose in the Master Bath of our historic home. It helps heat the room! Our towel warmer is on a timer so that it comes on between 6-9 AM. That might not be the exact time that I am taking a shower, but it is the time that I get up and enjoy a warmer bathroom because of this additional heat source.
Another bonus is the fact that it helps dry the towels. In fact, I find this a better feature that actually warming, as it eliminates dampness in our bathroom. This is especially important as our bathroom is window-less.
So, would I recommend a towel warmer for all of my clients? Actually, I have only installed a few towel warmers for my clients, and the ones that have been the happiest – whose expectations were met – were the ones who opted for the warming-drawer styles. Yes, these cost more and take up a lot of storage space, but, they are the ones that work the best to actually warm your towels – the whole towel. (There are actually stand-alone, portable, container-based models available, too.)
Personally, I find the luxury of a heated towel can be fleeting. It’s the other benefits I’ve mentioned that made me a convert. In the end, the decision comes down to your personal expectations and whether or not a warm towel means luxury to you!
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