Touch Glo

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Touch Glo

As a professional interior designer, I come across new products every day – and sometimes it feels like I come across new lighting products every hour. But often it’s the simplest designs that catch my attention. To me, simple functionality is a beautiful thing and that’s why I love Merkury Innovations Touch Glo combination night light and charger.

I am constantly on the road for work and pleasure, and it drives me nuts when hotel bathrooms have such bright (non-adjustable) lighting. Every time someone gets up to use the bathroom – there is often no other option other than to turn on the one and only bathroom light.

So, when I was handed this Touch Glo night light AND dual charger unit as a give-away at a local trade show event it actually made my day! This simple product is a game changer and should be a “must have” for every weary traveler. I love it

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