Widespread Faucet vs. Single-Hole Faucet

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OK, so you have picked out everything for your new bathroom renovation – almost. Now you just have to decide which type of faucet to purchase. The sink faucet is an important piece of any bathroom and with the many stylish options on the market it can get a little confusing trying to choose just one! Faucets come in many styles, finishes and designs and now with cool features like touchless activation and voice command. One of the most general questions I am asked is whether my client should go with a single-hole or widespread faucet?

A few points to consider when selecting your bathroom faucet:

  • Take into consideration the size and shape of the sink. This is important. Your bowl may actually be the deciding factor when making your faucet selection. First, consider what bowl you’re using. For example, a vessel style sink will require a much taller faucet!

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  • A single-hole faucet will give you more counter space – so if you’re looking to enlarge your work surface this is the way to go!

  • Pay attention to the height of the faucet – what is the distance from the bottom of the spout to the bottom of your sink? The general rule of thumb is the taller the faucet the more splash!

  • Are you selecting a faucet for a powder room or main bathroom? Typically powder rooms are used for only hand washing – a main bathroom sink might be used for any number of other functions from face washing, teeth brushing or even hair washing….think about how much room you’ll need to work with under the spout!

  • Do you have hard water issues in your home? Some more uniquely styled faucets have detailed areas where residue and minerals can deposit and be more difficult to keep clean.

  • Who will be using the sink? This is really important when making a decision. You want something that is easy to use like a single lever for someone that may have mobility limitations. Is a touchless control a good solution for you OR will it be problematic to keep replacing the batteries?

There is no right or wrong answer to these question. It’s all about what your specific bathroom sink needs are for you and your family. With the unlimited number of styles and options out there today, narrowing down the options should be a process of elimination – but remember in this case, function should trump form!